Second visit, Carrowkeel, June 1911.
We resumed work on June 20th, the party consisting of R. A. S.Macalister, E. C. R. Armstrong, W. A. Green, and R. L. Praeger. On that afternoon further excavations were made at Carn E without result; subsequently we divided, and while Macalister and Green photographed at Carns G, H, and K by flashlight and daylight, Armstrong superintended a new attack on the large ruined Carn F, and Praeger surveyed the southern portions of Carrowkeel, traversing some miles of rough ground, and finding one small additional carn, lettered A. The position of the great cap-stone of Carn F, impending over the excavations, compelled a cessation of work at this carn after a few hours.

The morning of the 21st saw us start work on Carn B (Mr. Gorman's), a very fine carn, magnificently situated on a cliff-walled spur. During the whole of that day, and half of the next, we toiled in steady rain. Commencing on the north side, about one-third way up the slope; we cut a trench, which eventually ran completely round the carn, but without finding a doorway.
This work revealed two small secondary interments, and also a remarkable semi-circular wall, which details are described elsewhere. In the end we were beginning to cut right down into the carn from the top, a serious undertaking, when almost by chance we discovered the doorway, situated unusually high up on the north side, and well above the top of our trench.

The remainder of the 22nd was devoted to removing and examining the bones, etc., from the chamber, and also to an examination of the small Carn A, discovered on the previous day; but this we decided was not worth the labour of opening, as it appeared too small to contain a chamber.

Friday, June 23rd, was occupied in making a plane-table survey of the old village site discovered on the plateau below Carns O and P; and on account of the roughness of the ground, the number of the hut-sites, and the inclemency of the weather, this work occupied the whole day.
On the morning of Saturday, 24th, Macalister and Praeger checked measurements and photographed, while Armstrong was engaged in packing the bones and other objects for transport; and in the afternoon the party returned to Dublin.