Circle 37
Circle 37 is located on the southern ridge of Carrowmore. The dolmen is perfect, and rests on five uprights. The chamber is oriented to the north. There seem to be several circles here; an inner circle of smaller stones, which is not visible today was noted by Wood-Martin. The boulder circle is somewhat disturbed, but twelve stones make a ring thirteen meters in diameter. There seems to be a spaced boulder circle here also, with eleven large boulders, widely spaced, forming an outer circle or oval about twenty-five meters in diameter.

Wood-Martin thought there might have been a fourth, even larger circle, but it is hard to make out today. There are many large erratic boulders in this area, which he may have mistaken for a circle. To the west of Circle 37, some eight circles are recorded as being destroyed by Petrie. There are many stray and erratic boulders along this ridge, and no trace of these circles can be identified for certain.
Site 37 - Borlase
No. 37. Situated to the south of XLVI (dolmen-circle).
"This is a triple circle with a perfect cromleac in its centre. The inner circle is composed of small stones placed quite close to each other, and not more than a foot or so above the soil. This circle is about 40 feet in diameter. The second circle is composed of very large stones, twelve in number, and consequently greatly apart from each other, the interval being about six paces.
This circle is about 80 feet in diameter. The third circle is composed of stones of still greater magnitude, but as several of them have been removed or destroyed, it can only be assumed that they were also twelve. The diameter of this circle is 120 feet. The cromleac is of the smallest size, and is not more than 4 feet in height. The circumference of the table-stone is 16 feet, and it rests on five supporters."
- Petrie.

Col. Wood-Martin thinks this may even have been a quadruple circle. His plan of the little dolmen shows that at the north or northwest end there was a narrow entrance, and evidence of the existence of the usual' porch-like extension in that direction. It is between the inner and the second circle of Petrie that a fourth circle may have existed.
"Traces of flagging were observable at the bottom of the chamber, but it seemed to have been completely cleared out, as only 4 small fragments of calcined bones were discovered."
- Wood-Martin.