A Game of Bones
As a consequence the Covid 19 pandemic, most Heritage Week events took place online during August 2020. With many sites and guides challenged to come up with new ways of presenting information.
At Carrowmore the guides made a set of short video clips explaining various aspects of the complex, in seven episodes. The series takes it's title A Game of Bones from episode six, which explains the Ancient DNA connections between Carrowmore, Carrowkeel, Millin Bay and Newgrange.
Episode 1: Wildlife at Carrowmore with guide Lynda.
Episode 2: Prehistoric Pandemics with guide Austin.
Episode 3: The Footprint Stone at Listoghil with guide Pádriag.
Episode 4: What did they eat in the neolithic, with guide Lynda.
Episode 5: The history of the cairn at Listoghil with guide Austin.
Episode 6: The web of connections through Ancient DNA at Listoghil with guide Pádriag.
Episode 7: Sidhe Beg and Sidhe Mor at Listoghil with guides Pádriag and Martin.